

Approach: Every person has a life story & every project has challenges. Our approach is to Strip down peoples stories and challenges to a level of essential “building blocks” and link those by using design methods of low energy consumption. This approach inevitably leads towards optimized solutions and caring architecture.  

Vision: Socio-ECOnomic Sustainability 

Spoken languages: Dutch, French, English, Arabic and Macedonian





Holding a Master degree in Architecture from the University of KuLeuven, Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas Brussels, Belgium. Master degree in Urban Studies (4 cities) from VrijeUniversiteit Brussel – Université Libre de Bruxelles – Universität Wien – KøbenhavnsUniversitet – UniversidadComplutense de Madrid – UniversidadAutónoma de Madrid. Diploma in Architecture from Birzeit University – Palestine. He worked in several architectural practices in Palestine, and as Senior Architect Urban Planner @ UNESCO, Urban Planning unit, Palestine. Since 2012, he worked as independent architect in multiple architectural bureau in Brussels. In 2019, he co-founded De Strip architects (socio and architectural design team) based in Brussels.


Holding a Master degree in Architecture from the University of KuLeuven /Sint-Lucas Campus in Brussels.
Master degree in Architecture from the University of SS.Cyril and Methodius in Skopje.
He worked in several architectural and urbanism practices in Skopje and Brussels 
Filip completed his architectural internship at architectenbureau Jefvanoevelen in Antwerpen.
In 2019, he began working as independent architect and co-founder of De Strip architects (socio and architectural design team).